To correct hair loss, these innovations are essential!

Hair loss affects a lot of people – men and women. And each of them live with the greater or lesser concern of having to act quickly in order to avoid permanent or excessive hair loss. Fortunately, at Capilia, there is no shortage of solutions. Here are 4 essential innovations to correct hair loss.


Micropigmentation or scalp micropigmentation is a non-surgical solution that simply involves tattooing the scalp. Each micropigment is the size and appearance of a hair follicle, which helps camouflage the sparse area and creates the illusion of thicker hair. Since the micropigment is implanted in a shallower section of the scalp for added realism, it goes without saying that this technique is not permanent. However, touch-ups are only needed every 2-3 years, making scalp micropigmentation a great long-term solution and a real hair loss correction option.


PRP represents one of the most recent advances in hair loss prevention. By injecting plasma rich in platelets into the scalp, hair regrowth is stimulated, and the hair regains its vitality. This completely natural procedure relies on your own resources since the injected plasma is yours. The process involves taking a small amount of the client’s blood and using a centrifuge to separate the plasma from the red and white blood cells. It is this much-prized plasma that helps stimulate hair follicle activity and the growth of new, healthy hair, all thanks to the regenerative properties of platelets. Like what the solution is in you!


Here is an advanced technology, based on the microperforation of the skin. This is done using a tool whose sterile tip has 13 micro-needles that create microscopic channels where the Vital HR solution will be transported. This very unique formula contains a high proportion of active ingredients scientifically recognized to inhibit the enzyme causing baldness. Not only that, mesotherapy also helps to encapsulate the active ingredients inside the hair follicle, thus increasing the supply of proteins, nutrients and vitamins. The hair therefore becomes stronger, thicker and healthier.

Hair transplant

It has been proven for a long time, but it continues to improve with the development of new techniques. At Capilia, hair transplantation is controlled and brings permanent results, usually after only a few months. The goal is to achieve the desired hair density while maintaining a completely natural look. That

is why the experience and qualifications of the medical team are essential. Hair transplantation is undoubtedly the ideal solution for men and women with a good donor area who want to permanently remedy their thinning or hair loss.


The medical solution to your hair loss
Since all of these techniques are offered at Capilia, we invite you to make an appointment for a completely free consultation to determine the option that best suits you. This way, you can ensure satisfactory results and complete support from experts in the field.

It will be our pleasure to meet you!