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You will always find a solution at Capilia

Thinning and hair loss are certainly the two most common hair problems for men. Capilia firmly believes that the faster we handle the situation, the more we can control its progression. Here are some solutions you can try even at the very first signs of baldness. And if you think your situation is helpless, rest assured: hair transplantation is always an option. Let’s review the different options out there.

Laser Therapy

Recommended for preventing and countering hair loss, the laser therapy treatment used at Capilia offers you to keep and grow thicker hair. In just 6 minutes a day, in the comfort of your own home, the low-intensity laser stimulates the blood circulation, nourishing the hair follicles and energizing their cells. Practical and easy to use, it is the most appreciated solution to treat early alopecia or even prevent it.

PRP Treatments

This medical treatment works by injections of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to help with revitalizing and regrowing hair. The process involves taking a small amount of blood and separating the red and white blood cells using a centrifuge. Then, the plasma, rich in growth factors, is injected into the scalp using a fine needle. This helps stimulate the activity of hair follicles and the growth of new healthy hair thanks to the regenerative properties of platelets. It is the most advanced innovation in the prevention of baldness.

Hair Transplant

It’s never too late! To treat hair loss, hair transplant surgery restores the desired hair density while retaining a very natural appearance. The hair transplant technique involves extracting the hair follicles from one area of ​​the scalp and transplanting them into the sparse areas. The results are impressive.

Take control of your hair situation by trusting a Capilia expert.